Yubari King

What is the Yubari King?
Yubari king is a melon fruit. It's a unique hybrid cultivar grown in Yubari city in Hokkaido, Japan. Surrounded by well-drained volcanic ash soil and mountains, the produce commands a special prize for sweet mellow flavor.
Melon inspectors tap and flick the fruit to listen deep, low, sound and smell it for sweet fragrance and inspect the rind before rewarding best melons with Yubari label.
The Yubari king is wonderfully delicious with a rich flavor and low in calories (100 g melon has 34 calories) and fats. It's rich in numerous health-promoting polyphenolic plant-derived compounds, minerals, and vitamins, absolute for optimum health. It has a great source of Vitamin-A and antioxidant flavonoids such as Beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin and lutein, zeaxanthin.
Some Benefits of Yubari King for the Skin
● Lifting effect
● Remove dead skin cells and deep cleanse
● Protects skin from pollutants
● Reduces the formation of wrinkles
● Help retain skin elasticity and firm skin
● Prevent skin from oxidizing
● Illuminate skin
One of the most discussed Yubari king-related phenomena is the ability to stimulate the SiRT1 gene, which is a gene that kicks in people who lose weight. It is believed that this gene can slow the aging process. However, studies on these benefits are still tenuous. Cardiovascular health has been accepted and well documented widely.
For Wrinkles
The Yubari king wrinkle eraser exquisite and highly concentrated wrinkles eraser comes with an applicator aiming to treat the target areas with a dual-action lifting feature. It minimizes wrinkles and facial lines and reinstates the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
Yubari king's benefits in skin care products include the delayed premature skin aging and even-toned skin. Moreover, the Yubari king found in skincare products have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.